
LITT: Cancer and the Adolescent

TOB Eden (ed): Cancer and the Adolescent, BlackwellPublishing.com/9780727918109
Sec.edition, 2005

"Young people with cancer have suffered from not being recognized as either children or adult patients. Yet their needs, both physically and psychologically, are perhaps the most acute of all. Now, this book, based on an international conference hosted by Teenage Cancer Trust (UK) addresses the issues surrounding care of the adolescent with cancer more completely than ever before"

Det kan vara svårt att hitta aktuella sammanfattningar av medicinska områden fokuserade på ungdomsåren. Av rekommendationer att döma fyller denna bok väl sitt syfte. Författarna hör till de ledande inom onkologien och TOB Eden själv är professor i tonårsonkologi